prek boy cooking

You take the time to pack your child healthy lunch or snack for Kindergarten or early learning program, so keep it safe to eat. Use these tips to make sure you child stays healthy and engaged by protecting them from food-borne illness.

  • Pack with care. Know which foods should be kept at certain temperatures. Foods that are non-perishable (not subject to rapid deterioration or decay) include:
    • whole fruits and vegetables
    • hard cheese
    • unopened canned meat and fish
    • chips
    • breads and crackers
    • peanut butter, jelly, mustard
    • pickles
  • Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Use an insulated lunch bag and a cold pack or frozen juice box or water bottle for cold foods, and an insulated thermos to keep hot food hot.
  • Throw out uneaten perishable foods. If your child did not eat a perishable food, but it’s still in a lunchbox at the end of the day, throw it out.
  • Let staff know about food allergies. If you child has food allergies, let the school or early learning staff know about the allergies and what to do if there’s an accidental exposure.


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